Who Am I?

The Pointy Birds

Pointy Birds,
So pointy, pointy...
Anoint my head,
Anointy, nointy
Should grackles chase,
You, far away,
You'll point no more
The pointed way
And follow only lonely paths
Like Jazz Musicians,
Just smoking grass
Once you were oh, so pointy, pointy
Now dry, my head, no nointy nointy
It aches and throbs, for lack of pointies
So I lay me down, to dream of
The Pointy Birds by Marcogerecke

My dad used to sing this poem to me as a little kid.

Maybe I'm a real bird...

I guess the best way to describe myself would be as an artist, of sorts. I have many, many interests. I'd say too many, but life can be long, if you don't spend your entire day scrolling (I still do sometimes).

I have a cat named Sparkles, I'm in my 20s, and I live in QLD Australia.

Want more of me? (I post shorts too)

My Youtube Channel