Pointy Bird

let's get down to pointy business.

welcome to 2015 a decade too late.

Site Map

About Me

Who the heck am I?

neocities links

Neocities sites I'm obsessed with.

game recs

Best games I've played, plus ones I love watching on YouTube.

my art

A sampling of my artworks plus contact details for commissions.

music recs

A wide variety of music/bands that I love, and find interesting.

learning resources

Learning resources for my various interests - programming, art, craft, etc.

bad poetry

Usually freeverse, whatever is on my mind.

my stories

Random little stories I've written.

my blog

My randomly updated online journal.

My Youtube Channel

I suggest you join me in quitting social media. No? Want more nonsense? Click the button (I post shorts too)